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When a Good Pair of Scissors go Bad

21 Mar

The wedding was less than a week away and my job was to get the ring bearer there in one piece.

I failed.

We have all heard the horror stories regarding children with scissors.  This is a parental warning to those who think, “My child would never do that!” 

I was one of those parents, I know. 

That is until Child #3, whom I will call DOM, (stands for the DEATH OF ME) came into this world and has turned it on its head.

While I flipped through some photos from about seven years ago, I came across some gems that gave me a daily dose of laughs.  Of course, it wasn’t all that funny at the time.  We were preparing for a trip to Cyprus where our dear friends were tying the knot after TWENTY YEARS OF DATING but that is an entirely other post for another time.

DOM was to be the ring bearer considering he is the child that chews up fear for dinner and then spits it out.  The polar opposite of his slightly older brother, he is the child that lives by his own set of rules, has a heart of gold, has more charisma than anyone I have ever met and thrives on attention.

When it would get quiet in the house, that was a sure sign that trouble was brewing. With some last minute packing keeping me occupied, a pocket of unsupervised time opened up for DOM and every. second. was. used. to. the. best. of. his. ability.

This is what happens when a good pair of scissors go bad… (pardon the quality of the photo, I was in too much shock to keep a steady hand and/or work the camera properly)

Unsupervised Child + Scissors = Bad, Bad Idea

Unsupervised Child + Scissors = Bad, Bad Idea

And yet another angle…

When it's quiet be very, very worried...

When it’s quiet be very, very worried…

The bride wasn’t too happy… but then again, this IS the kid that steals the show wherever he goes…

Scissors After

scissors weddingLooks innocent enough, right?

Ha!  Be afraid… very afraid…